How To Calculate Southern Lottery Guide

Instructions on how to calculate the southern lottery today from extremely accurate experts. Learn the secrets and top effective ways to play Southern lottery that have been applied by many number-picking experts

If you are new to lottery betting in the North, if you are new to lottery betting, you will be confused because of the difference in the way Southern lottery numbers are recorded or calculated.

The formula for recording lottery numbers and the way to calculate lottery money in the South is quite special. You should understand clearly so as not to be deceived by the bid or the topic.

This article summarizes  Southern lottery calculations  by experts, providing players with free tips and the most easy-to-win standard betting methods. Please refer.

1. Ways to play Southern lottery today

Lottery betting games in the South are operated in the traditional way (customers score points directly) or played online (participating in online lottery bookies).

The forms and odds of online lottery betting in the South are as diverse as those in the North as well as in terms of betting odds.

1.1.  How to record Southern lottery

Players should note that when playing lottery in the South, we do not use the same common terms as in the North: playing lottery, 2-card or 3-card... but it is called playing Over - Under, playing in the form of big small.

Accordingly, if you bet on numbers greater than 50, it is called playing Over, and if you play sets of 50 or less, it is called playing Under.

Record the under lottery in the South and play based on points, for every 1 winning point (8,000 VND) you win 75 (75,000 VND).

There are 3 types of Southern lottery games, called lottery:

+ 2-digit lottery: Guess the last 2 numbers of the Special Prize

+ 3-digit lottery: Guess the last 3 numbers of the Special Prize

+ 4-digit lottery: Guess the last 4 numbers of the special prize

1.2.  The rules of playing Southern lottery are based on the owner's underdog and the station's lottery numbers

While the North often bets on 2-number lotteries, people in the South choose to play 3-number lottery guessing, also known as 3-number lotto betting, betting on under.

+ Play Southern lotto on 2 stations: bet on 2/3 stations to win prizes on the same day, the payout for 1 point is from 14,000 to 16,000 VND, if you win 75,000 to 80,000 VND, depending on the house.

+ Bet under the first prize (guess the result of prize 7): 1 point payout is 8,000 VND, if you win, you win 650,000 VND

+ If you bet under, the owner of the tail will guess the result of the special prize : 1 point bet is 8,000 VND, if you win, you win 650,000 VND

+ Play Southern lotto 3 stations (17 prizes): 1 point bet is 13,600 VND, if you win, you win 650,000 VND

+ If you bet on the 4-way tail owner, the payout for 1 point is 8,000 VND, if you win, you win 5,500,000 VND

+ Play multiple lotteries with 4 stations (17 prizes): 1 point payout is 12,800 VND, if you win, you win 5,500,000 VND

1.3. Instructions on how to play Southern lottery according to skew numbers

In addition to playing regular Over - Under, you can play additional odds at the house such as:

+ Play lottery number 2 (36 prizes - 2 stations): 1-point payout is 28,800 VND, if you win, you win 650,000 VND

+ Play 3-way lottery (54 prizes - 3 stations): 1-point payout is 43,200 VND, if you win, you win 3,500,000 VND

+ Play 4-way lottery (72 prizes - 4 stations): 1-point payout is 57,600 VND, if you win, you win 10,000,000 VND

2. Experts' way of playing Southern lottery is extremely easy to win

To participate in Southern lottery betting effectively and easily win, players are required to be sensitive to numbers, detect signs from the results table to determine which method or method to apply. Southern bridge is suitable.

Lottery experts have summarized the 3 fastest lottery calculations that are easy to win, and players can refer to them completely free of charge:

2.1. The fastest Southern lottery experience according to falling numbers

Dropped lots are simply understood as numbers that appeared in yesterday's results table and continue to appear in today's drawing. There are 2 types of lottery numbers: lottery numbers and lottery numbers.

How to check the Southern lottery according to the numbers falling from the lottery as follows: See the Southern lottery results of the week, take the last 2 numbers of today's special prize to play the next day's lottery numbers, or get the lottery results of that station that week. first to play for the main stage this week.

Tips for Southern lottery based on falling numbers from the lot: Choose at least 1 of the 17 lots from the previous day to play the winning numbers or keep the winning numbers in the following days. If you are new to the game, you should farm multiple falling lots instead of playing white.

Lottery numbers falling from lots is a popular way to catch Southern lottery numbers

Lottery numbers falling from lots is a popular way to catch Southern lottery numbers

2.2. How to play Southern lottery in numbers

This Southern lottery calculation method only applies to prizes with 4 or 5 digits. The gameplay is very simple, newcomers can also apply it because the frequency of this sign is relatively high.

Players calculate as follows: Looking at the 3-station Southern lottery results table, if there is a prize created from 2 number units A - B, then bet on the pair AB - BA in the next 3 days, you can raise Add up to 5 day frame.

2.3. Research Southern lottery numbers by day

Observe during the day, if you see that the top and bottom of the 7th prize of 1 station are equal, then match that number with the numbers between the special prizes of the provinces opening that day to raise the next day.

For example: Today's Ben Tre station's result for the 7th prize is 101, the number among the judges of the 3 provinces opening the prize is 07 - Ben Tre, 23 - Vung Tau, 56 - Bac Lieu.

We have the following lottery numbers for the next day: 10 - 01 - 17 - 71 - 12 - 21 - 13 - 31 - 15 - 51 - 16 - 61

2.4. Southern lottery calculation according to special prize

Add up the numbers appearing in the special prize of 1 of 3 (4) stations open for rotation during the day, match with 0 or 8 to get a pair of lottery numbers to bet on within 3 days. 

For example: Dong Nai station's GDB today returned 149826, we add the numbers: 1+4+9+8+2+6 = 30, 3+0 = 3. Pair 3 with 8 or 0, we get the numbers 030 or 838 frame culture for 3 days. 

In addition to the instructions on how to calculate the southern lottery  just shared above, you can refer to many other methods to increase your chances of winning.

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